
About Amarillo Bay

Amarillo Bay is an online literary magazine containing the finest modern literature.

What Is a Literary Magazine?

While many magazines include one or two works of literature alongside feature stories, advertising, and opinion pieces, this fiction typically appeals merely to the casual reader.

A literary magazine, however, contains only works of literary merit. Since the objective is to present carefully crafted literature—fiction, poetry, and nonfiction—rather than to make money, the editors select works based on the excellence of the writing rather than for commercial viability, confident that their readers recognize and appreciate fine writing.

Literary magazines allow writers to explore new ways of writing free from concerns about the commercial marketplace. They are also a showcase for works of professional writers who have written works that are not appropriate for traditional magazines.

Amarillo Bay uses the online format to continue the tradition of literary magazines.  As an online publication, Amarillo Bay avoids the cost of printing, the major expense of most literary magazines. In addition, all work is done by volunteers, and authors receive no monetary compensation.

Check out the works in our current issue and enjoy!

Amarillo Bay History

The magazine’s original editors, Jerry Craven and Bob Whitsitt, met in 1979. They’ve never lived closer than 100 miles apart—and currently live nearly 2,000 miles apart—but they have remained in contact because of the common interests of literature and computers. (The name Amarillo Bay refers to Jerry’s residence in the Texas Panhandle and Bob’s home in the San Francisco Bay area.)

In the first few months of 1997 Jerry mentioned combining their abilities and starting an online literary magazine. Jerry has published poetry magazines and has had many stories and books published. Bob has been working heavily with the Web for the last few years. After some discussion (mostly by e-mail), they agreed to go ahead. Jerry rounded up editors for fiction, nonfiction, and poetry, and Bob designed the look of the magazine and created the HTML code to make it work. Early in 1999, they produced the first issue of Amarillo Bay.

Therefore, Amarillo Bay represents among the very first of online literary magazines.  Starting with Volume 19, its tradition continues.  With Volume 19, Julie Wise stepped in as Editor-in-Chief, allowing Jerry and Bob to pursue much-deserved retirement plans.

From Volume 19 forward, Amarillo Bay will appear twice annually.  Each issue will include an expanded array of contributions, however, still representing the best of fiction, poetry, and creative non-fiction to be found on the web.

Amarillo Bay Staff

The Amarillo Bay staff (all volunteers) manage the day-to-day running of the magazine.

Note: You’ll get the fastest answers to your questions if you contact us using the information on the Contact page.

Current Volunteer Staff

Former Volunteer Staff

Amarillo Bay Directors

The Amarillo Bay Board of Directors provides advice on running the magazine, what kinds of literature to include, and the general direction the magazine will take.