Rosalie Hendon: Autumn, Baby

For Theo

The crimson edge of the maple leaves, the verdant centers
The sun sparkling on the honey locusts
The cotton batting clouds
marching their way to dawn
The breeze rattling the London plane leaves, large as saucers
The drip of the rain off the eaves

The tight fists of a newborn,
his furry skin
his rosebud mouth
the soft weight of him,
carefully cradled by hands that span his length

The way this October lasted and lasted
and the trees held tight to their leaves,
like they were waiting for his arrival
One glorious burst of light and color

Baby, this is your world
This is your sun, your leaves, your sky
Get ready,
see how it put on a show
just for you?

For more on Rosalie Hendon, please see our Authors page.